Spiced Cranberry Sauce

Inspired by my Gram’s recipe!

(serves 6)


1 cup of water

1⁄2 cup of honey

1 12oz bag of fresh cranberries, rinsed and set aside

1 orange; zested, halved. (Squeeze the juice from one half and cut the

other half in small pieces)

1⁄2 cup of diced pineapple (You can serve the rest of the pineapple with

dessert!) 1⁄4 tsp allspice

1⁄4 tsp cinnamon

pinch of ground ginger


Bring water, orange juice, and honey to a boil. Once honey is dissolved

add the cranberries and orange segments. Let boil for 10 minutes until

the cranberries have burst. Remove from heat; mix in pineapple chunks,

all spice, cinnamon, and ground ginger. Let cool and enjoy!